Louise Gerber
Louise Gerber began taking ‘Contemporary Art’ classes the same year her handicapped daughter was born.
Six year later she won first prize at a competition at the Faulkner Library Art Gallery. It was her first piece using texture instead of paint. Fortunately, the winning painting was hanging in the gallery when one of Santa Barbara’s fires devasted 200 homes overnight. Unfortunately, she lost more than fifty paintings and everything else she owned.
Two years later she won a competition at the university. The prize was a one-person show. Since she lost all her art in the fire, she spent the next five months getting ready for her one-person show.
In 1984 she started a business, she called Closets, Etc. Remodeling closets was a new idea at the time, and she thought it would only be a part-time business, and she would still be able to create art. But the business grew and consumed her time.
Now retired she is back creating art.
She calls herself a mixed media artist, as most of her work includes more than paint on canvas. Some are three dimensional, some are textural, some are multiple canvasses or wood. Some she calls her shadow pieces.
Louise Gerber has been a schoolteacher, business owner, artist, writer, and special needs activist.
Louise started writing about her “severely handicapped” daughter after reading a book by a father who wrote about his autistic son. Provoked by the author's negativity Louise started writing about the joy she received and the lessons she herself learned, even though Naomi challenged everything Louise thought motherhood would be.
But with time Naomi’s behaviors and medical problems became too much.
WHEN LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH is her story of the fourteen years Naomi lived at home. It’s a story of her dedication, learning, and acceptance. In the end Louise finally had to accept she didn’t have the endless patience to give Naomi the 100% care she needed and would always require. But even after this realization, she questioned herself. Did she try hard enough to care for Naomi at home, or did she try too hard.
As she wrote her story of their relationship, Louise found that poetry was sometimes a better way to tell her story. She published her book of poetry NAOMI, MY BABY FOREVER in 2011.
Louise’s last words: Although Naomi could not live in my world, she allowed me, and others, to enter hers. Her world was filled with pictures she looked at and often tore from her many books; Sesame Street, the only television show that kept her attention; and the music she requested and listened to, and music she created from snippets of songs and rhymes.
Most importantly her world was filled with people who took care of her with love.
Louise Gerber, the Artist with her artwork can be found here.
When Love Is Not Enough is an extraordinary book. It is written from the trenches. Louise Gerber spares no details of the struggles and daunting challenges she faced mothering her severely handicapped daughter Naomi-while also revealing her overwhelming love.
Written with heart-rending honesty, this moving story engages the reader at every turn of the page with drama, pathos, and even humor.
Although it is a must read for parents facing similar plights, it also speaks to the reader who will be drawn to this powerful story and touched by the courage of a mother trying with every ounce of her being to love, encourage, and fight for her child, no matter the odds. Bravo to Louise for fearlessly opening her life and gifting this book to the world.
- Dale Griffiths Stamos
Writer, editor, playwright, director, and award winning filmmaker
Anyone who reads this heartbreaking book about Louise’s life with her “beautiful child” Naomi, will understand how a “special child” can transform all those she interacts with. Louise’s words are chiseled with honesty and compassion for her daughter and ultimately for herself, as she struggles with exhaustion, frustration, and grief upon grief. Through it all she honors Naomi as her teacher and guide toward the ultimate lesson in life: how to love.
- Perie Longo
Poet, poet laureate (2007-2009), poetry therapy, psychotherapist
Louise Gerber’s story of her quest to raise Naomi, her severely disabled daughter, is in turns heartbreaking, fascinating, horrifying, and inspiring. This book challenges us to ask ourselves, “how would we respond in this situation?” Louise allows us to explore our own fears and hopes by describing each step of her own journey with love and with scrupulous honesty. This book will touch a deep place in your soul.
- Rabbi Stephen Cohen
Rabbi of Temple B’nai B’rith of Santa Barbara
As you read this book, you will get to know Naomi and her mom Louise. It will make you cry with empathy for the family's experiences Naomi's life was filled with so may challenges; her story made me think about how I would have handled myself in those situations and helped me realized that the challenges I face as a healthy, 16-year-old athlete pale in comparison to what Naomi faced everyday. The extreme love that Louise had for Naomi is evident throughout the book and she struggled with letting Naomi go.
- Sophie Dent
A healthy 16-year-old athlete
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